Nowadays, a dollar or two can't buy you much. Or can it?
It doesn't have to be anything extravagant. Something unique, funny, ideal or just plain wonderful will do just fine...

Thursday, 28 May 2015

City-print BOOK BOXES

Came across these book boxes that I thought would be perfect for holding small items such as pill bottles, pens, sunglasses etc., to keep them nicely hidden and out of the way!

These city-inspired print book boxes were selling for $3.00 apiece so I purchased two - one of each of my favourite cities!

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Mason JAR LID with STRAW

Look what I found for $1.25! Perfect for those mason jars I bought previously. I was sure happy to find these, which was purely by accident while looking for something else. I was just thinking the other day, "I wish these mason jar lids had holes in them for a straw."

Saturday, 11 April 2015


Look at these cute little things I bought for $1.25 a piece. I've witnessed all kinds of birds in my backyard so hopefully with these cheap little items, who knows, maybe I'll be able to attract a hummingbird or two before the end of the summer.

Saturday, 4 April 2015


I thought this was a great idea for an ice cube tray not only to prevent water from spilling everywhere when transporting it back to a freezer but also to keep the ice cubes clean.

I know, I know - who uses ice cube trays anymore? Well we do! Besides you can use them for camping or other outdoor uses.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Colourful MASON JARS - with and without lids

Just think of the summer drinks you could make with these! These mason jars came in three different colours; green, purple and red.

The clear jars without lids were $1.25, the coloured ones with lids were $2.00 each.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

'Thought Bubble' Chalkboard MUG

This 'Thought' Bubble Chalkboard Mug is not just for your thoughts you know. It can also be a place to jot down your reminders or just plain doodle on! I thought it was pretty cool - for two bucks!

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